March 15th, 2025 Downtown Houston, TexasClassic DeLorean Motor Company joined up with the Houston Texas DeLorean Club to participate in the 2025 Houston St. Patrick's Day Parade - celebrating the most famous car ever built in Northern Ireland! It is always great to meet up with local DeLorean owners to appreciate these classic cars.View our full photo gallery from the 2025 Houston St. Patrick's Day Parade here.Watch the full parade on Youtube ... skip forward to 29:10 for a...
Featured on ABC Localish Houston, Classic DeLorean Motor Company is still bringing movie magic to life after 40 years, keeping this classic car in the limelight for enthusiasts and owners all over the world.Read the full article on ABC 13 here.
Featured in the Houston Chronicle - 96-year-old DeLorean owner and enthusiast, Don Williams, visited us at Classic DMC in Houston, Texas to check in on his car currently undergoing service at our facility. As the oldest DeLorean owner in the Houston area, Don tells the story about his journey to buying his dream car and daily driving it for over 40 years.Read the full article here!
Are you looking to adjust your DeLorean's fuel mixture settings? Have trouble getting past that tamper-proof CO plug on your mixture control unit? No need to worry!Our new "Removing A Factory CO Plug" knowledge base article walks you through every step of the process to remove/adjust your CO adjustment screw. Don't forget! After the adjustment is made, the hole needs to be plugged with a 102392A CO Adjustment Plug in order to cap off what would otherwise be a vacuum leak from the...
The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the common issues seen that can negatively affect the fit of the escutcheon. We have made numerous improvements to the design of the new escutcheons which in combination with the information in this article should help you achieve satisfying results.
For decades, it has been known that the stainless steel DeLorean left front fender is the only body panel not readily available. It has been subject to conspiracy theories for years as to why the stamping dies for all of the DeLorean body panels were scrapped by the supplier after the original DeLorean factory closed. All that has been proven is that some were melted down, and others were dumped into the sea as netting weights for a fish farm off the coast of Ireland in 1984. In 2015, it was...
1981 - 1983 DeLorean Parts & Accessories Catalog - 2024 Edition is printed and on the way to our warehouse in Houston, TX! The official Classic DMC catalog is a 80+ full-color page collection of DeLorean parts, tech tips, DMC factoids, and more! It is a common misconception that DeLorean parts are unavailable or prohibitively expensive, and neither could be further from the truth! Our approximately 40,000 square-foot Classic DeLorean Motor Company warehouse in Houston, TX contains more...
As a follow-up to our video about the proper way to open and close DeLorean doors, in this video we show the correct way to open and close the front luggage compartment (trunk/frunk), rear sunshade/louvre and the engine cover.Check out our other videos on our YouTube channel and watch for more videos coming soon!Got an idea for a video? Let us know!
With a resurgence in interest in the original radios, many people have asked for more details about the factory installed radios. This article goes into detail and has links to download operating instructions for both the Craig and ASI factory radios.
It sounds simple enough - opening and closing the doors on a DeLorean - but over the years, we've been amazed by the number of people who really don't do it correctly. In this video, we're showing the proper way to open and close the DeLorean doors from the inside and the outside. We're also showing some things that we commonly see that are being done wrong that can actually cause the doors to close poorly or even damage the latches. Check out our other videos on our YouTube channel and...
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